Geneva 2008: Saab Goes Small and Aims High with the 9-X BioHybrid Concept

saab9-x-21.jpg picture by willfusion

A Saab prances out its 9-X BioHybrid in Geneva this week they aim to show that big things can come in small, luxury packages. While cars like the BMW 1-Series, Audi A3 and the Volvo C30 are already inside the big small car dance, Saab seems to not mind being fashionably late and only wearing its concept dress to the formal shindig. Maybe because she knows that under that dress are some big plans and high ambitions (insert Journey music here).

Where it might appear to many that GM has forgotten all about the little Scandinavian auto maker whose take-over the completed in 2000, but now that they have found her hiding in the corner Bob Lutz is ready to make a splash with her. In his words spoken at the Geneva Auto Show, “Here we’re showing two concept vehicles that signal the resurgence of Saab.” The other vehicle is the Saab 9-4X Crossover.

The Saab 9-X BioHybrid is Saab’s small car concept that will help lead the way toward a small car entrant into the luxury brand market. The 9-X is an extension of Saab’s driver focused cockpit design and future thinking design. The 9-X is built on the same platform as the Chevy Volt concept and shares some design cues with it.
Press Release and Photo Gallery to follow… (more…)

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