“Don’t call it a Hot Rod”…

(Note: I’m back from Wenndover along with the rest of the happy souls, but rather than pounding more salt in your eyes with another Bonneville post, I’ll leave it to Ryan to bring you more Speed Week love tomorrow.)

The first time I saw “don’t call it a Hot Rod” by Dick Shaw, I was so taken back by the great illustrations, that I didn’t even bother to read the article! You see, I love vintage cartoons, pen and ink illustrations, graphic design, and so forth, but looking through most 50s hot rod and custom magazines there were precious few pieces of quality art. Stroker McGurk is obviously one of my favorites (see my avatar), but aside from Tom Medley’s killer pen work, its rare to find much else in vintage car magazine art, besides a tiny speed shop ad logo here and there.

The Dick Shaw drawings are fairly simple, but full of gesture, and just the right amount of detail that shows you he knows his cars. With his clean line work, they are downright charming. Oh, the article? Read it if you have time- Its pretty good too. Its from 1951, back when Hot Rodders were still trying to gain acceptance as true automobile enthusiasts with well built cars to show for it…

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